Expressing Joy Through Words and Waves: Livelifelikeanocean Coffee Chat
I did an Instagram live a while ago. You can listen to it by clicking on the button below or reading the transcript in this blog article. Hello and welcome to the livelifelikeanocean podcast.My name is Sandra and today I want to invite you to a little coffee chat. I have done an instagram live, and I did a free flow life and I had no notes. It was just an experiment and I think maybe you like it and have a little listen to it and enjoy it. Maybe I will do a few more in the future.It’s a little introduction about livelifelikeanocean and how I started my swimming…
The season of the tides
Sometimes life puts you in a season of hold, as if it wants you to stay ashore, to stand still and rest.This is a time of healing, a process of going inward and listening, listening to your body that has endured so much to keep you safe and alive. The last few months have been a time of transformation, growing, healing and learning to trust again.To trust my body and soul, to trust that the tide will come back and take me to the open sea again, to new horizons, to places where my heart belongs. I’m slowly emerging from this phase where nothing seems to make sense, a time…
I start to choose anew
My body and mental health are showing me the signs: I’m in burnout mode I feel exhausted, tired, depressed. I can’t sleep in the night because I worry too much about my future. I don’t want to get out of bed in the morning, things and activities that normally bring me joy leave me sad, everything seems to be grey although the spring season paints a colourful picture. I feel disconnected and I fear what the next days might bring: I’m afraid of my job. I’m afraid that I get ill again. I’m afraid of losing my joy and the connection to my heart and soul. I’m afraid of losing…
Fears have stolen my voice
I’m starring at the blank page, frozen and can’t write a single word. Since the war began in the Ukraine all my words seem to be locked, imprisoned, in a state of fear. Fears have invaded my mind and heart and opened the chest of memories I thought I had buried a long time ago. I thought I had replaced these memories with a whole treasure trove full of hope, joy, connection, compassion, strength and freedom but now it seems to be hidden, protected with a powerful lock where the key is missing. Instead the ghosts of fears are all over the place. The fear of death, of losing loved ones and…
You belong
You belong Even if you feel lost, you belong.The ocean is waiting to embrace you with its waves.Even if you feel alone, you belong.The ocean takes you in its comfort.Even if you don’t know where to go, you belong.The ocean will make you feel coming home.Even if you feel weak and discouraged, you belong.The ocean will help you to become stronger.Even if you feel scared and full of doubts, you belong.The ocean will carry you to new horizons.Even if you feel not enough, you belong.The ocean will connect you to your heart.Even if you feel not loved, you belong.The ocean will reflect all the love within your beautiful soul. Even…
Making the unbearable bearable
One of my coping mechanism to deal with trauma is the need to make sense of situations, of experiences that have no sensible reason why they happened. What is the mental response to a traumatic event? For me it was and I still catch myself of doing it sometimes: Overthinking. I desperately tried to find a sense and meaning in these events.When you do this from early childhood on, you might program your brain to think illogical thoughts, you create limiting believes for yourself.I’ll give you an example: When a child experienced disconnection and that emotional needs aren’t met, the child can come to the conclusion that she or he…
Perfectionism is a trauma response
In my imagination was always the picture of the loving family, of parents who love you just the way you are, who support you when you fall, who see and connect to you, who make an effort to understand you, who give you the feeling of belonging.It was only an idealistic picture, non of this was true but it was with me for such a long time.Even in my twenties I couldn’t accept that I was raised in a climate of disconnection, depression, loneliness, stress, pressure and emotional coldness. Perfectionism was my escape, the illusion to get this feeling of warmth, love, connection, compassion and belonging when I do everything…