The breadcrumbs of joy
After the loss of my parents, after burn out and falling ill with a severe auto immune disease, I lost all my joy, my optimism and purpose in life.
I was depressed, sad and felt as if my life and my body were falling apart. I was wondering: ‚Does all this make sense anymore?
Why me, of course, why not me?
What happens to all my dreams, all the things I wanted to do in this
lifetime, all the experiences and adventures that were waiting for me?
I wanted to survive, to live and started with all these kind of things that could help and support me to heal: changing my diet, picking up tools to reduce stress level and anxiety like meditation, yoga; working through inner childhood trauma…
But the most important step was to learn to connect to my heart again, to connect and follow what makes my heart sing, to follow the breadcrumbs of joy.
What did I enjoy since childhood days?
What was always with me that I didn’t dare to express, to live?
The clear answer was:
The ocean
I always enjoyed to be in the water, to swim in the waves, to walk and explore the coastline, to learn everything about the marine life.
I loved the experience of freedom, of adventure, the journeys , the boats that took me to new horizons.
I devoured every book about the ocean, got lost in movies about surfing and sailing.
The ocean inspired me to express my creative heart through writing and photography.
It was and is this connection to joy, to what brings me into the flow, that let me forget space and time, to discover what makes my heart sing that brought me on my path of healing.
The ocean is my mentor and supports me to find my purpose in life.
The ocean teaches me how to live a life in alignment with my heart, to step more into the authentic self.
The ocean saved my life, helped me to heal.
I’m now completely recovered although the chances were very low that I could lead a life without medication, but here I’m and writing this to you:
Please don’t go through life and try to fulfill the expectations of others, always check in with your intuition, ask yourself if it is in alignment with your heart.
Ask yourself if you lead a life you love, that brings you joy.
My purpose in life so far is to inspire and support people to recover the connection to their heart, to their dreams, so that they can find a self-healing path to overcome chronic illness, burnout, stress, anxieties and depression with the inspiration of the ocean.
I want to inspire people to live their freedom and express their inner truth, their heart’s voice with the guidance of the ocean.
When you want to find your purpose in life, your gift to the world:
Follow the breadcrumbs of joy, follow what makes your heart sing.